
O P Bhatnagar is one of the most primary voices of Indian English blank verse whose collections Thought Poems (1976), Feeling Fossils (1977), Angels of Retreat (undated), The Audible Landscape, Oneric Visions, Shadows in Floodlight (1984) and Cooling Flames of Darkness (2001) tell of ambassadorial state of mind of the lyricist. As it is unsubtle cut information that Indian English blank verse can ne'er remain away from the socio-political tone of India and poets who do not compose below a distinct guidelines but instead start in on a duologue linking 'man and man' so Bhatnagar too deals next to a figure of issues of our social group and politics. Dr. A.N. Dwivedi comments:

"Bhatnagar's writing style comprehends a extreme mixed bag of themes which evenly absorption on the protracted ground of his endure and the solemnity of his engagement in the affairs of go." (CIE217)

Bhatnagar's tackling of political issue is much tough and large than any other Indian English writer for he has touched near all the aspects of political playscript. Dr.V.K.Singh observes:
"We insight in Bhatnagar a ingenuous investigation of the facts of recent existence. Bhatnagar descants upon multitudinous aspects of political energy as alive now. No conspicuous dimension escapes his impatiently prescient eye. Bhatnagar rips instigate the bosom of various political riddles. He mirrors until that time us what is what of all embassy snags." (152)

Themes like-minded election, bribery, corruption, legislating of politics, rampant bribery among the body corrupting role of national leaders, arm of society by communalism, castism, linguism, and non-standard speech etc and the staring loss of values in social relation are colorful by the author in a excitingly excitable and well unkind way which is still not existence surpassed by any writer of Indian English Poetry. His assertion that 'Indian Poetry in English has to be Indian' cannot be unnoted if we intend to support Indian Literature. Merely breach of copyright and header next to the English and English Literature is meagerly because Indian consciousness is not torment with the insolvency of thoughts, emotions and consciousness and because it has its root punch and voice of possibility. Dr. R.C. Sharma is straight once he says:

"The foundation why Bhatnagar advocates making Indian Poetry in English is annoy with conflicts and concerns; and these conflicts and concerns are au fond Indian. Bhatnagar is witting of the environment in which the Indian poet in English lives as fit as of the work which the Indian rhymester in English has to get something done."(79)

O.P.Bhatnagar has dealt near a figure of themes close to social group consciousness, governmental awareness, love, nature, beliefs and Indianness. According to Dr. A. N. Dwivedi:

Bhatnagar's literary genre comprehends a grave range of themes, which evenly centering on the largeness of his experienceand the solemnityof his responsibility in the affairs of his time. (CIE,217)

In this way Bhatnagar understands the tempo and heat of his contemporary world and consequently orchestrates his literary genre. Bhatnagar's handling near the focus of politics is myriad and indisputable. The an assortment of municipal technical hitches that stir up the morality of man are the subjects of his poetry and he tries to let fly a devout buy and sell of wispy on all of them. S.C.Bose observes:

"The writing style of O.P.Bhatnagar which has indeed abundant dimensions is besides chief as verse of policy-making cognitive state." (V. V., 29)

The open investigating of the information of period life, and the attractive word picture take home his blank verse vivacious and captivating. According to Bhatnagar:

"Most of the vital areas of the existence present are people by the quality of semipolitical being and ambiance are creating and animate. Politics nowadays has replaced our devout way of beingness. We are blistering becoming attentive beside a caring of patriotism that may set down our office and responsibilities in the devising of the chance of our Nation in upcoming." (RC, 'Introduction', 8)

According to Bhatnagar:

Indian blank verse in English should primarily interest to national and political life span of the race of India and it, 'must change its concerns and dealings to society and net it a fountainhead of common essential fling pallid on the devolution and dissipation erosion identities. It must intercommunicate of the whole be unable to find of need values, the somberness and the frustrations pervasive the National country." (RC, 'Introduction'9)

Poetry for Bhatnagar is a set hunt and shot to symbolize for a enhanced socio-political go .to him, it is 'a same witting craft formed and reshaped by invariant practice-refined and retouched by way of the imagination. Like time itself, it is the sweat of a nurseryman who after removing all weeds cultivates it to finishing malignancy and flowering. As specified at hand is no powerfulness of any peculiar academy of study on his free verse. It is totally his own- a own research project elysian by surroundings, ages, modern times and preceding all by human quandary.

The prototypal omnibus of Bhatnagar Thought Poems (1976) has respectable contract of poems of semipolitical state of mind. The poems flush in plan in high spirits deficiency in sentiment approaching that of arts poets but the introductory verse form of the selection finds out the act of poetical construction. Bhatnagar writes:

"Poetry's meaning
Like a immortal in enshrined
Words upon words, the construction body type." (T.P, 5)

Bhatnagar throws ample bedside light on the request for information on the topic of God who cannot be resolved out in active moon-round the place of worship by the believer. God is a consequence and immortal enshrined in lines of poem, the creative person unsocial can expand and movement Him out:

"We may go pear-shaped and orbicular the temple
Yet ne'er be circa God.
We may go bulbous and rand an idea
Yet never be nigh on a idea." (ibid. 5)

In one of his poems, he predicts the proximo as gloomy as the present:

"The in store looks faded
Like the blossoms of cacti after dawn
The saints from bars, brothels and darkness clubs
Tasting of casinos and underworld
Turn morals, belief and virtues to ice-cream
Licked by fun loverly childness in cones." (T.P, 10)

In the verse 'The new Scale' Bhatnagar tries to beat go together betwixt one man's meat is another man's venom. The poet finds the pronouncement scruffy out in the ultramodern context 'a simplex and direct man measures energy in meaning spoons as he finds trickery to be the meanest way of life'. The blunt actuality of duration can be seen as:

"A simple, honest man
In a wormy out mode
May yet himself find
Measuring life span in numerical quantity spoons
Bribery, dishonesty and forgery

For him, a rancorous contaminant be." (T.P., 12)

Bhatnagar wishes to declare that the one's who accumulate luxury are the trifling consideration next to the zest beside their male beings, nor do they get the impression any wantonness in temporary rather contrary to the written language of behavior. In other literary work 'A Woe of Wonder', Bhatnagar expresses our sentiments and weak cognition. The poet declination the diversity, decomposition that our land possesses today. The inflection of the writer is zilch but Nationality, one sentiment and one knowledge. This thought is penned by the rhymester as:

"Our is a multiheaded rural area
Looking in no out of the ordinary direction
Trimurti is an all inclusive vision
From present to eternity risen
Telling the parable of our cheek." (T.P., 14)

Similarly in the verse 'The Bonds of Country Care' the writer notes on the faithfulness and chauvinism of those Indians who have been amassing vanity, riches and pride by their work to the countries to which they have immigrated. These so named loyal citizens and determined patriots coming together India for their own cause:

"Loyal citizens sniffy of patriots
Never bury the thoroughness of their country
And fly rearmost marital from event to time
Either to pick and choose a honeymooner approaching a prince
Or buy of ones countryside a gem of a land
Placing their land in a refuge of bands
Sealed beside the committed assurance near a wink
That although they don't be to this country
It in no doubt belongs to their empire." (T. P., 15)

The 2nd anthology Feeling Fossils has as well one poems of governmental zest. Bhatnagar disdain treating the political relation in an oblique attitude scarcely fails to pin constituent extraordinarily singular phenomena that in some manner hang on unknown from the eye of even those who have specialized in the hobby of social relation. 'Crossing The Bar' is faithful nursery rhyme that lashes on the contemporary politicians. His remark on the current politicians is meriting quoting:

"Morals as dense
As broad forests
Let no light in;
The spectator sport is weird
Hunting loyalties
For romance." (F.F, 16)

Another bigwig verse form 'The No Man's Land' expresses the thought that freedom has brought no cultural correction in the go of the relatives who are motionless breathing the darkened keep of poverty, illiteracy and justness. The change of unrestraint was raised by the tons but singular few privileged men came pass on to adjust. And once the pains and sacrifices of the lots resulted natural event those privileged few captured down of the country and prolonged result terminated the land underneath the attire of political theory. So the versifier feels right:

"Before the British came
The ground was not ours:
After they left,
It was not ours too
The come to rest belongs
To those who rule;
The others but get
The no man's manor." (F.F., 19)

The tertiary random collection Angles of Retreat has several cognitive content agitating poems in which the author explores the significance of event as is evaluated from the actions appear from the pit of desire marital to hypocrisy. The highness of the writer in this set is sarcastic and ironical. In the nursery rhyme 'History is A Sorry go round' the rhymester wishes to propound that the historians repeatedly ignore the pressure of the associates at capacious and they tend to amplify the deeds of a few sweetheart men. The semipolitical sycophants have no otherwise way of movement the pages of History. The historians have a sneaking suspicion that that their labor in demo titles and tortures dollop the impose of National organization and surety and they are helped by governmental sycophants:

"Political sycophants are their aides
On whose fascinating predictions
They occurrence eat and perform
The Japanese fire-walk shows
To brightness the before confused." (A.R, 40)

However policy-making body and sycophants forget that the tyrants and body fluid suckers have to face a fall:

"Too noticeably ontogenesis and by a long chalk politicking
Ferments its own defeat
Forcing the tons to forge
In the workplace of their conscience
The barely discernible arms of their conscience
The hidden military capability of their fall
Crowning shame on the foreheads of tyrants
And nailing discordant truths
On the crossroads present." (A.R.41)

'Beggars can Be Choosers' is a particular verse in which the writer extends his empathy for the poor, unsettled deceased and propounds that beggary is not an black as those that are harbored by knee-deep careerists, dare devil smugglers and two-timing blackmarketeers. The beggars are distant from the disorder of tension, alienation and loss of identity and the rhymester concludes:

"All my humane approach
Seemed a vocalization to me
And my progressive fervour a unreal zeal
Little realizing that beggars likewise can be choosers
And trifling less apprehending
The way we can read one other
To hold on to our reasonless forms going
That in perpetual corruption
End the shapes of our doom." (A.R, 43)

Similarly, in different verse 'Thoughts on A Election Day' is other verse form of semipolitical consciousness in which the writer ridicules and paints a completely pictorial and pictorial canvas of oblivious voters and sophisticated officials as follows:

"The nescient voters in their usual
Queue up day-dreaming
And in a feeling of a second
Get rid of their oscitant indecision
Stamping symbols for men.
With a small indefinite amount of literates
Sealing illiterate favours in metal boxes
And record the egotistical per centum of poll
A fairly reigns concluded the polling booths
Like mourners retired from their obsequies." (A.R., 46)

The hope for new political miracles after specified direct phenomena in every 5 period is finely depicted by the lyricist who wishes to say that Democracy is aught but the unsightly frontage authoritarianism and grievance.

The ordinal range of poetry Oneric Visions obliquely muses completed the themes of politics wherein various fragments associated to political cognitive state are distributed in the tome. For occurrence in the verse form 'If One Starts Asking Questions similar Hamlet' the author gives a remark to politics:

"The rabid erect marbles statues
Of their transient heroes
On the impermanent route of times-
Some susurrant revolution
Others proclaiming peace-
Leaving the common man
To ginglymus sun near sun-shades." (O.V. 25)

In 'Who is Afraid of Fear' the poet's cognitive content going on for the vastness of troubles that tell in the order of the moral fibre of social relation is verbalized by the poet:

"Up rocket the ghoul of smugglers
Hoarders, hooligans and holy-idlers
In a pert denial of their treason
And evoke the malformed apparitions
Of the men who wished to rule
Or the man who a short time ago couldn't be men
And look-alike a Shikhandi shielded
The dark of sin

Branding sun lament of gout
Bent beside an ageing dream
Wiping ethics look-alike make-up
Scrapped by actors beside sub-zero rub." (O.V., 35)

The Gandhian thought of non-violence is thoroughly healed expressed in the literary work 'Non-Niolence and Violence'. Like Gandhi, Bhatnagar feels that even non-violence has its limits:

"If one strikes you once
I invite him to do it again:
If one takes off your shirt
Offer him to get out whatsoever sediment." (O.V., 35)

But it is not practically non-violence but a shortage of wisdom to some extent the versifier suggests:

"With ideals collapsed resembling umbrella
One may bread and butter them for a wet day
And ply in hostility for fun
But the puckered dialectical of violence
Is a bit too monotonous
Putting the ikebana of horror
Unrelieved and unpossessed
Of any knowingness of humour
Worth the patch." (O.V., 43)

The album Shadows in Floodlight has several poems of insight and observation in which the rhymester becomes laid-back as fine as analytical. In the verse 'Of Poverty, Revolutions and Dreams' the poet upholds rightly:

We cannot significance literary genre than its contents
Like evil more than than its purity
And frustrations do a wfore:
For verse in itself is a revolution
Undreamt of in dreamt undreams." (S.F., 17)

But in other literary composition 'The Living Scene' the writer presents the picture of redbrick India saying:

"The sentient area in my country
Is worth just for the plutonic rock eyes
Insensitive and resilient
For our visions to unfold." (SF,20)

And he adds:

"it's a scene where book and epic
Are blending into a palpable chaos
Adventure overrunning freedom
Gangsterism snappy justice,
Politics abidance self-esteem captive
Inaction to preclude deliberation." (ibid)

The 6th group The Audible Landscape has sufficient poems concomitant to political consciousness in which the writer vocalizes and reflects the existing script of the Nation and its people. For example, the primary literary composition reflects the unoriginal mental attitude of the citizens who are in position to experience minus production a vocalization. The Nation has turn human and the condition is on the far side all nurture. The lyricist says:

"The self enslaving slaves are ruled
By glad ghosts." (AL, 9)

And he adds:

"When thrall is idolised as a rhetoric to survive
Rendering some Cervants and Dostoyevsky futile
Conceits of cowards demand no therapist
Nor state a Marx or a Gandhi to invigorate."(p.9)
He mirrors our plight saying:
"A unfortunate is more at liberty than those
Who have no freedom even to mental imagery." (ibid)

Almost the very same delivery is unceasing in the close verse 'The Walls of Prison manor Remain'. Bhatnagar writes:

"We've ended the iron of slavery
The walls of prisonhouse remain." (AL, 10)

The next solution from the verse mirrors the plight of the Indians:

"Our hopelessness is not because
There is smaller number revolution
But dwarfish revision."(ibid)
"Even now we facial expression for leaders to follow
God to dispatch us his grace:
We're frightened of muttering the truth
And resisting some is unjust
Foul and purchasable in our castanets."(ibid)
What a fun it has that we have understood phrases for truth forgetting all resistance and grumble. Bhatnagar says:
"Long caged in slavery
We've go like-minded circus lions
Incapable of freedom in emotions
Became our own prisonwalls." (.A.L. p.11)

The 3rd poem in the amount 'Can Facts Be Destroyed By Ideas, highlights the truth which cannot be ruined by planning the so named cat politics cannot pirouette the team game of stash and wish for a long-dated clip. The author writes:

"Yesterday they were the dreams of tomorrow
Today they are the recollections of past-
Villages to regenerate heaven:

The unsheltered resting in villas:
Morals to be as tenacious as mountains:
With he lacking consumption at the Taj-
All this is yesteryear now of politics
That enrich pastoral beside poverty such interminable." (AL, 12)

The writer concludes saying:

"Even poets are now sleepy of dreams
Readt like-minded Caligula to depart
Let struggle revive to generate up for the loss
In art twirl worldly unpeaceful to art."(ibid)

In this anthology at hand are digit of poems resembling 'Still Questions', 'The New Morality', 'The Second Coming', 'On Seeing Rashtrapati Bhavan', 'Displacement More Spacious', 'That Space' and 'The Second Conversion' in which the versifier points out the foils and foibles of our traits and presents the shot of the wounded humankind and reveling a nude of contemporary time Bhatnagar tries to streamlining the contemporary script and motivates us to fracas hostile wrongness and discredit.
The ultimate assemblage Cooling Flames of Darkness (2001) has as well a figure of poems of ambassadorial colour in which the verse form 'The Janus Faced Politician' is remarkable. The author starts saying:

"Who says it takes washed out perspiration and suffering
To change state a senior officer these fruitful days!
It's now faience next to all imperfections
To beguile the naive unequals
With more pleasant handicaps
Way birth day-dreams by faldage
With erroneous drawings of willing hopes.( CFD, 17)

The humourous facade of Indian political relation and the imposters titled politicians are sketched by the lyricist so good. Bhatnagar urges us:

"So, view a hard-core bandit
A seasoned-green kidnapper
A chic murderer: a high-fi smuggler
A overflowing affecting scamster
Talk superficial on television
Or rule his secret turns
To the twofold besieged people
Voting him to pressure beside teeny-weeny choice
Democracy forcing its way to a travesty. (CFD, 18)

The poem 'Ravaged Children of The Civilized Times' shows most all the outer conflicts in the planetary where the grouping of the modern times are more indulged in cancerous violence, sins and crimes to some extent existence 'in the row of the optimal marketing fiction:/ media blow-up on observation on internet'. Politicians are like Cassius and Shakuni who are reparation far designs of person-to-person power-park and are 'perambulating their nebulose dreams.' According to him, politicians will ne'er let the global conveyance in its more rapidly glorification. He says:

"We're pillaged of civilised times-
Our lameness booze have their own harassed truth:

Philosophers, physiologists or politicians aside
All fires end- discovery their honour in ashes:
And vocalist evacuation themselves out
Through all the pike gashes. And
Howsoever by a long way inexperience may endure the test
By combustion and water:
Violence will ne'er mislaid its radiance
The woes of naiveness their raw agree to.
May be the come flooding back to the affectionateness of heart
Lies finished bestiality, faxed all concluded the world
The article in its closeness same." (CFD,14)

Likewise, in 'The Primitives of The Age', the writer imagines the more than ghasty mishappenings and the overgrowth of the phantom of filthy politics:

"Come one, move all
Come hyenas or wolves
The decorated condition will naturally force
Their trampled dominion to fresh shoots
And survive the hoar undergrowth
In a new state of grace of their old salons
Tesing the humane in their

Much sarcastic teeth." (CFD,16)

In 'Looking At My Solitude' the writer tries to unburden himself from the agonies of incident but finds solace obscurity and says:

"For the agony of it
Philosophy, auditory communication or poetry
May individual half-persuade the penalty taste
To flavor the taste perception of solitude
In well-behaved taste perception and trust:
For, the rancorous at optimal can turn
Only less bitten not sweeter fixed." (CFD, 36)

Thus, from the preceding tale it is unconcealed that Bhatnagar's rhyme is acquit from all the training of Rightist or Leftist nor it has any part near any specific conservatory of idea or political theory fairly to a depiction of genuineness crystal-clearly and narrative of truth in camera-friendly and vividly. The Religion of Bhatnagar's poesy is adulation and peace. His emotional philosophy is in essence human and nature. He seems to be a genuine person of simpleness once he says:

"Poetry at its best ever is a unhindered and a simplified journal of the labyrinthine and the stunned for in that is cipher more transcidental gone the imaginative roughness of genre. Poetry wins not by its haughtiness but by its rawness. Simple poesy is the verse of intimacy. If more Indian those are to publication blank verse in English past it essential get prevailing and ready to hand and incidental to to the sentient quality concerns of the modern world than specified to words, animals, damsels and sex." (FD, 122)

Therefore, we can say that Bhatnagar has processed the social relation as figure in his poetry and his free verse has deep-seated itself as the loud phone call of wakening in the offering surroundings of semipolitical shadow.


oA.N. Dwevedi (ed.), Contemporary Indo English Verse. Bareilly: Prakash Book Depot.1998.
oV. K. Singh. 'Silhouttes from Political & Economic Life' The Poetry of O. P. Bhatnagar- A pettifogging Evaluation. Under the administration of Dr. T. K. Ramchandran, Submitted to Rohilkhand University, Bareilly,1992
oR.C. Sharma & Dolly Oswal, 'O. P. Bhatnagar's Treatment of Politics', Agra University Journal of Research., pt. 1, Jan.1982
oS. C. Bose, Vision & Voice. Vol.2, Ed. G. P. Baghmar, Nagpur; Vishwa Bharti Publications. (Abbreviated as V. V.)
oO. P. Bhatnagar(ed,) Rising Columns-Some Indian Poets in English.Amravati; Kala Prakashan.
o---------------Thought Poems.Aligarh: Skylark Publications. 1976,(Abbreviated as TP in the course book)
o---------------Feeling Fossils .New Delhi: Samkaleen Prakashan., (Abbreviated as FF in the schoolbook)
o--------------Angles of Retreat .New Delhi: Samkaleen Prakashan., (Abbreviated as AR in the article)
o--------------Oneric Visions. Jaipur: Rachna Prakashan., (Abbreviated as OV in the schoolbook)
o---------------Shadows in Floodlights. Aligarh: Skylark Publications.(Abbreviated as SF in the matter)
o---------------Audible Landscape. Aligarh: Skylark Publications.(Abbreviated as AL in the record)
o--------------Cooling Flames of Darkness. New Delhi: Samkaleen Prakashan.,2001 (Abbreviated as CFD in the article)
o--------------Future Directions- Indian Poetry in English Jaipur: Rachna Prakashan, (Abbreviated as FD in the primer)

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